Mehu Jam 3 Submission:

* This game has nothing to do with cats, and even less to do with economics.

Congrats on your new JOB at the Guild of Navigators - Steering Sailors and Space Savages alike since 3000 BC! Your new fulfilling role as part of the family will require you to:

    1. LOOK AT star system
    2. NAME star system

    "Wait You're letting me NAME them??"

    "Yeah, we always give the interns the boring jobs."

    "Wait how many are there?"

    "Oh uh, well, just keep going. We'll fetch you when you're done."

    This was made in Unity within the 48 hours. The only assets not made by me are:

    • Patrick Hand SC - Google Fonts
    • Cursor -
    Published 21 days ago
    Tags2D, Casual, Singleplayer, Space


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    tansport ships has seen some sights